The Capital City Amateur Radio Club (CCARC) in Helena, MT, is for all hams in the area and all who are interested in knowing more about amateur radio. Please come to our monthly meetings at 7 pm on the first Monday of the month (unless it is a holiday, then the second Monday) at the Salvation Army, 1905 Henderson Street, 59601.
Officers: President: Tom Mandera, KE7VUX Vice President: John Monson AJ7MT Treasurer: Al Simons WA1TYB Secretary: Oakley Clark-Snustad, KE7WWL Newsletter: Marla Unruh, KM7LIB Training: John Geach, KS7R, [email protected]. Webmaster, Cody Melton AI7CA Shack Tour Website, Marla Unruh, KM7LIB; [email protected] ************ The CCARC is affiliated with the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL.) |